Hello there, I'm Meghan

Intuitive Guide, Yoga Instructor, Artist, Mom, Wife, and

Creator/ Author of Magnetize Your Light 


Gurl, let me tell you, it sucks to not feel like you are in your own skin and that your soul and skin aren't connected. Like you are metaphysically disjointed and have no idea where to begin to realign, let alone the time and space to even consider how to do it.

For the past several years, mostly after having kids, that disjointed feeling began to burry me deep. A new layer of disconnection with each passing year till I finally felt unrecognizable to myself. I lost touch with my creative spark and my intuitive self was a distant memory. 

I was lost and searching for something I couldn't quite put my finger on. In the midst of routine and responsibility, I lost sight of myself, a shadow of the vibrant soul I once knew. 

As a yoga instructor I had experience, knowledge and access to tools for balance, but trying to figure out how the fit into my limited schedule as a wife and mother was overwhelming at times. I had always been intuitive, but that all got dis regulated by worry and external schedules of keeping other humans alive and thriving. 

Eventually enough was enough and I was invigorated by a new found handful of techniques to bolster up and utilize my intuitive skills, my creativity came back to life, hope filled my heart again and I began to find purpose in helping others get their lights back on track. 

We are all on a spiritual path.

The spiritual path, in my experience, is a beautiful connection to subtle deep listening, your soul's voice. When I began connecting my background in yoga, creative expression and my intuition I weaved a process that not only lit me up, clarified my path, was then immediately inspired to share with others, Magnetize Your Light. 

Here is what I've learned: Vulnerability is Your Superpower. When we share our true selves, we not only empower ourselves but others too.

As I ventured into conducting readings, I had a realization that profoundly shaped my approach: I don't just want to glimpse into your world and walk away. My passion lies in ensuring that you not only perceive what I see, hear, and feel but truly experience the breathtaking beauty of your soul.

You are your greatest healer! When it comes directly from your soul, transformation resonates deeper and the change is not only impactful but life-long. 

This process isn't just about revealing insights; it's about guiding you toward a profound alignment with your Soul-Self and providing you with tools to further empower your self. I'm deeply committed to providing you with the unwavering support you need along this transformative path.

So now I'm on a mission: to ignite a million lights. Because when we connect with our inner spark, it's contagious! My mission is to help you navigate through layers of doubt, fear and confusion, to clear obstacles that obstruct your inner brilliance and give you the roadmap to get there when times get tough, because they will. But with your roadmap, tools and confidence in your intuition, no obstacle is too great. 




Embark on Your Intuitive/ Creative Evolution with Meghan 

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Intuitive Soul Sessions offer Intuitive Guidance for your personalized journey. 



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